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Showing posts from September, 2017

World Water Day 2019 - A Message

10 Ways To Keep Your Cell Phone From Running Your Life

For many of us, our smartphone is the greatest productivity tool we’ve ever owned. Apps like Todoist, Evernote, and Dropbox make it easier than ever to plan, stay organized, and keep track of our lives. At the same time, our cell phone can be one of our greatest enemies. An interruption from a cell phone can   steal as much as 25 minutes of work flow . Just as frightening, it can make a person as much as 20% dumber. Worse yet, all of us have missed a meaningful interaction with a spouse, a friend, or a child when an unimportant push notification distracts us. It’s not all the cell phone’s fault, either. We develop our own habits of checking news, email, and social media, one swipe leading to the next without our even thinking. Below are 10 ideas you can use to keep your cell phone a productive part of your life instead of an attention thief. I’ll use iPhone lingo as a shorthand, but most of these are available on Windows and Android. ...

Drink Water, It Makes You Smarter

In a new study, students who brought water into exams scored higher than those who didn't. The researchers believe staying hydrated lowered anxiety and improved thinking power. We get it. Despite the never-ending health benefits, staying hydrated may not top your daily to-do list. If you can't get yourself to guzzle enough H2O, new findings might offer extra motivation: Drinking water can boost your brain power. In a study presented  Wednesday  at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference in London, researchers found that students who brought water into exams performed better than those who didn't. To make sure they hadn't simply concluded higher-scoring students are more likely to bring water into a test, they used the students' past coursework grades to set a general ability control. So even among generally poorer-scoring students, bringing water into the exams boosted their grades. "The results imply that the simple ac...

Life Is Simple

Natural Products As Aids To Treatment Of Prostate Cancer

What do turmeric, apples, and grapes have in common? According to a new study, they could hold the key to preventing and treating one of the most common cancers in the United States. Researchers have identified a number of natural compounds that have the potential to "starve" prostate cancer tumors and shrink them. Compounds present in turmeric, red grapes, and apple peel appear to have the strongest effect, particularly in combination. Study co-author Stefano Tiziani, of the Department of Nutritional Sciences and the Dell Pediatric Research Institute at the University of Texas at Austin, and colleagues recently reported their findings in the journal Precision Oncology. After skin cancer , prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the U.S. According to the American Cancer Society, there will be 161,360 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed this year, and around 26,730 men will die from the dis...