For many of us, our smartphone
is the greatest productivity tool we’ve ever owned.
Apps like Todoist, Evernote,
and Dropbox make it easier than ever to plan, stay organized, and keep track of
our lives.
At the same time, our cell
phone can be one of our greatest enemies.
An interruption from a cell
phone can steal as much as 25 minutes of
work flow.
Just as frightening, it can
make a person as much as 20% dumber.
Worse yet, all of us have
missed a meaningful interaction with a spouse, a friend, or a child when an
unimportant push notification distracts us.
It’s not all the cell phone’s
fault, either. We develop our own habits of checking news, email, and social
media, one swipe leading to the next without our even thinking.
Below are 10 ideas you can use
to keep your cell phone a productive part of your life instead of an attention
thief. I’ll use iPhone lingo as a shorthand, but most of these are available on
Windows and Android.
digging into those, check out another short video that will surely give you a
good reason to curb your cell phone use.
1. Turn Off All
When your phone sends you a
notification, it is nearly impossible to stop yourself from checking it. Like a
TV drama, the phone creates a tiny cliffhanger in your mind that you need to
see resolved. Don’t let it do that to you. Very few apps send you urgent
2. Use “Do Not Disturb”
Many of us feel like we need to
be on call 24/7, and in a few cases, that’s true. But limit the number of
people who can reach you when you need time to concentrate. “Do Not Disturb”
blocks everyone not listed as a “favorite”. Keep that list lean: bosses,
spouses, and kids make my list.
3. Use Your Phone’s Timer
As A Productivity Tool.
Your phone’s timer has many
uses that can actually aid in your concentration. Try setting your timer for
periods of deep work, telling yourself you will not pick up your phone for
anything until the alarm goes off. When you take a break, try setting your timer
to cue you to put your phone back down and get back to what’s really important.
4. Organize Your
Too often, productivity apps
sit next to tempting time-wasters. Important apps are sprawled all over the
place, intermingled with unused apps. It’s worth taking a few minutes every
couple of months to get organized.
Delete apps you never use.
Delete apps that duplicate other, better apps. Delete apps that do something a
web browser can do.
Then, organize your apps by
page. Apps that make you a better or less-distracted person are great for home
pages. For example, I keep my calendar, my weather app, my to-do list, and
Evernote on my home page.
If you need to keep an app but
tend to check it obsessively, put it on a different page or in a folder.
Web browsers, email, and social media apps are my main temptations.
5. Remove Game Apps.
This isn’t for everyone. But
ask yourself honestly if the games on your phone detract from your quality of
life, productivity, and concentration. If the answer is yes, get rid of ‘em.
6. Remove Social
Media Apps.
This is a deceptive one,
because you can remove your social media apps and still visit corresponding
sites in your browser. But making it a little harder to fall down a social
media rabbit hole can be a good thing. Every little bit helps.
7. Start Using A
Physical Alarm Clock.
If you grab your phone first
thing in the morning, you might find yourself in a routine of immediately
checking email, social media, news, and weather before you’ve had a chance to
think. If your phone is in another room, you’re less likely to start your day on a distracted foundation.
8. Disable Your
This is tough to do. I disabled
my browser for a long time and found myself much less likely to mindlessly surf
the web. That said, when colleagues would email me a link to open at a meeting,
I had to pull out my laptop to view it. I began to feel a little silly and so I
unblocked my browser.
Easy access to web surfing can
be a source of endless distraction. If you can swing it, consider disabling or
hiding your web browser.
9. Block Your Ability To
Download Apps.
Once you have the apps you
need, consider blocking the ability to automatically download new ones. This is
even more extreme than disabling your browser, but if you can’t stop yourself
from downloading that new game everyone is playing, blocking your ability to do
so may improve your life.
10. Carry Real Books,
Audio Books And CDs.
My favorite apps are Kindle,
Podcasts, and Spotify. It’s great to have a book anytime I’m bored, and it’s
great to have the ability to listen to anything I want at any time.
But having fewer options can be
incredibly freeing. If there’s only one CD in your car to listen to, dive into
it instead of rifling through the millions of options you have on your phone.
Read the book that’s in your
hand. Or go to the library and get a real-life audio book.
If you find you’re skipping
along the surface of life, unable to get to anything rich or deep, consider
ratcheting down how much your smartphone can entertain or distract you. You
might be happy you did.
What techniques have you used
to keep unhelpful smartphone habits from ruling your life?
Source ChristianPF
I just did two of them now... Thanks